How to keep your kids to stay safe online

Aside from Cyber Bullying, there are other online threats our kids can be vulnerable of. Porn, questionable characters, hate groups, and misinformation may be threats too. Preserve the best of what’s online for your kids and avoid these garbage.

  1. Step into their cyber world. As a parent, you have the responsibility to watch over your kids’ online activities. Learn to set up parental control in your router and block unwanted websites that are a threat to your kids.
  2. Set house rules. Decide on how much time your kids should be online.
  3. Teach them to protect their privacy. Be sure your children should know to not to share any personal information online such as name, phone number, e-mail address, password, postal address, school, or picture without your permission.
  4. Keep the computer in a central spot, where it’s easy to monitor its use.

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